
What Does A Birth Doula DO: Part 1

What Does A Birth Doula DO: Part 1

The other day I had a phone call with a perspective client and they said, “thats great but what does a doula DO?” It took me a second to gather my thoughts because I thought I was explaining it pretty well! Sometimes when we’ve been doing something for so long, it starts to feel like a second skin. I can’t imagine NOT knowing what to do in a birth situation and that can make explaining it to others very difficult.

Postpartum Doula vs Night Nanny: What is the difference?

Postpartum Doula vs Night Nanny: What is the difference?

If you are looking for caring support for your entire family, and if you not only want to get some sleep, but also build confidence in who you are as a parent, all while having the availability of quality, reliable resources, a postpartum doula is for you. Contact My KC Doula to book a consult today!

Four Star Certified and what that means for YOU!

Four Star Certified and what that means for YOU!

This week I had the opportunity to take a call with Prodoula. Prodoula is my professional doula certifying agency. They have been a huge help throughout this process of becoming four star certified. 

The call was a last step toward achieving my labor certification. I was also pleased to hear that I had passed the child birth education test with flying colors. This means that I am officially four start certified! I am currently certified in birth, postpartum, placenta encapsulation and child birth education

So what does this mean for my clients?