postpartum period

Postpartum and What It Means For You

Postpartum and What It Means For You

You may have heard it before “Oh I had really bad postpartum!” Well i’m here to tell you that “postpartum” may not be what you think it is. The postpartum period is the time from babies birth to about 6-8 months after. When people say that they had “really bad postpartum” they are often talking about one of four things. Today I laid them out for you so you can have a better understanding of what to expect and how to be a better advocate for yourself!

Postpartum Care During Covid-10

Postpartum Care During Covid-10

The last few weeks have been surreal. Life has stopped and forged ahead at the same time. Covid-19 has stopped many of us in our tracks as we figure out what our businesses, families and lives will look like in the coming months. We are there with you! We see as our clients make difficult, life changing decisions as they move through their pregnancy and postpartum experiences and we feel so deeply for you.

What Are The Benefits of Placenta Consumption 

What Are The Benefits of Placenta Consumption 

Any woman who has looked into the art of placentophagy (consuming her placenta) has probably read or been told that the practice yields such pleasant-sounding benefits as improved mood, better sleep, increased bonding with baby etc. But what exactly is in this incredible organ that allows it to give postpartum Moms so many great benefits? In the following post I will elaborate a bit on the particular hormones, minerals and vitamins that the placenta contains and how they impact Mom's postpartum experience.

Cleaning Lady In The Northland

Cleaning Lady In The Northland

Have you hired a cleaning lady to help clean your home?

Most mom’s days start before the kids wake up, and end well after they are in bed. Cleaning is all too often crammed in whenever there is a few spare minutes here and there or only when company is coming over. Here are four guilt free reasons why you should hire a cleaning service.