after baby

Postpartum and What It Means For You

Postpartum and What It Means For You

You may have heard it before “Oh I had really bad postpartum!” Well i’m here to tell you that “postpartum” may not be what you think it is. The postpartum period is the time from babies birth to about 6-8 months after. When people say that they had “really bad postpartum” they are often talking about one of four things. Today I laid them out for you so you can have a better understanding of what to expect and how to be a better advocate for yourself!

Babywearing With Twins

Babywearing With Twins

Babywearing, especially with twins, can be very helpful. You will have free hands to go about your daily tasks while still keeping that close contact your newborns need. The Kansas City Babywearing Society has a Twin/Tandem Wearing Meeting coming up on October 12, 2019.

Be the Change

Be the Change

Think back: When was the last time you picked up your phone and invited a friend or acquaintance mom friend to do something with you and your kids? Now, i'm not talking your best friend or your kids best friend that they see every single day. I'm talking about the mom that you know but don't know that well. The one who's phone number you rarely use. The new mom in town or even the mom that you haven't seen for a year or two but follow faithfully on facebook? 

Lets be honest, it's probably been a while or even never.