
Placenta? What Can You Even Do With That?

Placenta? What Can You Even Do With That?

Many women who have consumed their placentas after birth report positive outcomes such as improved mood, higher levels of energy, alleviated postpartum bleeding, faster postpartum healing and recovery, better bonding with their babies, improved lactation and regularization of hormones following birth. Most people are familiar with the most common method of preserving the placenta, which involves dehydrating and encapsulating the organ but what else can you do with a placenta?

Postpartum Doula vs Night Nanny: What is the difference?

Postpartum Doula vs Night Nanny: What is the difference?

If you are looking for caring support for your entire family, and if you not only want to get some sleep, but also build confidence in who you are as a parent, all while having the availability of quality, reliable resources, a postpartum doula is for you. Contact My KC Doula to book a consult today!

What Is An Empowering Birth Experience?

What Is An Empowering Birth Experience?

So many times in the past few weeks, the idea of an empowering birth experience has been brought up. I've had the opportunity to introduce myself as a doula multiple times and I'm still a little shocked at the relationship that has been put onto doulas and natural birth. 

I am not a natural birth advocate. 
I am a supporter of all things that empower my clients. 

Spotlight: Nickel and Suede

Spotlight: Nickel and Suede

When I moved to Kansas City, one of the woman that I met in my church community was Kilee Nickels. After a few weeks of walking around liberty and Kansas City I started to recognize a very specific leather tear drop earring attached to everyone's ear lobes. It seemed like everyone and their 12 year old daughter had a pair and I wanted to know where they came from! Come to find out Kilee Nickels, co-owner of Nickel and Suede and blogger at One Little Momma was the maker and mastermind behind the earrings and she had some big things in store!

(Click here to read more!)

World Breastfeeding Week- Supporting and Celebrating Women

World Breastfeeding Week- Supporting and Celebrating Women

This week is World Breastfeeding Week. If you've ever had a human child come out of your body, you've been asked the question "are you going to breastfeed?" This is important information for care providers as they are responsible for the health of you and your child and its important to know how your sweet baby will be fed. You've also most likely been told the risks and benefits of breastfeeding vs formula feeding. Heres the thing that you aren't told: (Click here to read more!)