birth classes

Benefits and Risks of Different Birth Settings

Benefits and Risks of Different Birth Settings

If you are newly pregnant, you may be wondering where the best place for you to give birth in Kansas City would be. We are so lucky to have such phenomenal care providers in every sector in Kansas City so we have put together a quick benefits and risks check list for you to help you decide what would be the best location for you. Take a look and fill out our contact sheet so we can help walk with you as you make this important decision!

What Does A Birth Doula DO: Part 1

What Does A Birth Doula DO: Part 1

The other day I had a phone call with a perspective client and they said, “thats great but what does a doula DO?” It took me a second to gather my thoughts because I thought I was explaining it pretty well! Sometimes when we’ve been doing something for so long, it starts to feel like a second skin. I can’t imagine NOT knowing what to do in a birth situation and that can make explaining it to others very difficult.

The ABC's of Pregnancy: E is for Education

The ABC's of Pregnancy: E is for Education

Most people go into birth with very little knowledge about birth. You probably haven’t seen many people give birth or heard many positive stories. Preparation is key to success when it comes to your birth priorities but are we prepping enough? Is a hospital class enough?